Swift has been around for a couple of years. Swift is a fast, safe, expressive and open source. It is extensively used for creating iOS, watchOS, tvOS and Mac applications. Further, there are also server-side frameworks been developed. Long story short “Swift is everywhere”. So it is worth and fun to get your hands dirty. In this post I would like to share some links that is worth to take a look.

Swift Basics

To get started with Swift. I will highly recommend reading “The Swift Programming Language” book available on swift.org. The reason for referring this book is that; it is the official book, and it is up to date with the new version of Swift. I started from chapter 1 and while I was reading and understanding each concept. I have also solved the experiment that came in-between. It is fun to use the playground for solving this experiments. Further, if I were feeling bit ambiguous then, I would just go to tutorialspoint.com/swift, and if still unclear I will just google it.

I was a bit confused about Optionals, ?, ! and if let. I found this article much helpful and informative. It cleared much of my doubts.

I also came across a post by Natasha Murashev where she explained faces of functions in Swift. Again, I did all this in the playground and recommend you too. DO NOT COPY PASTE CODE! TYPE & TYPE

FuckingSwiftBlockSyntax.com also shows the combination of function and closure in swift. Function and closure are one of the important concepts in Swift. So I spend little more time with this guys.

iOS with Swift

Once you are feeling a bit confident about Swift, I am sure you would be much excited to give a try to iOS application development with Swift. But wait! Have you prepared your environment, do you know which style guide to use, is there any documentation plugin. Note: Alcatraz is required for XAlign, Swimat, and VVDocumenter.

  1. Style Guide Must follow

    Following a styling guide is necessary. Prolific Interactive maintains a repository “swift-style-guide” which is actively updated. I prefer this guide because I know the dedication for improvement and quality of their work they have.

  2. SwiftLint Must have

    So now we have started following style guide but, sometimes we can make mistakes. SwiftLint is a tool that will raise error and warning if we go off the track while we are busy coding.

  3. XAlign OR Swimat Must have

    Many of folks might me knowing “XAlign” XAlign is used for aligning code or make code look beautiful. XAlign has good supports Objective-C but, has less support for Swift. Swimat is similar to XAlign. Swimat is new and frequently updated. At the same time, XAlign looks less promising for Swift.

  4. VVDocumenter-Xcode Must have

    VVDocumenter-Xcode is a vital tool for documenting code. It has started supporting swift.

  5. R.swift Depends on requirements

    R.Swift is a valuable pod for handling static resources in the applications. It is much similar to R.java in Android. This tool has bit issues, but it looks promising for future use.


There are a lot of other tools and useful resources which I may missed. I am not reviewing each tool here. I am just sharing my experience about Swift and iOS. Any comments or thoughts are welcomed here.